From there we traveled up to the solar mesa overlooking the entire facility and city. This is where the solar radiation research is taking place from Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with solar troughs, to a high Flux Solar Furnace the primary goal of the research up here is to displace conventional fuels in an industrial sense, using more renewable energy sources such as the sun. We ventured to the solar deck where a plethora of space age looking instruments worked to measure the solar forecast. Without some sort of a solar forecast, utilities are not interested in using solar for economic reasons. They are interested in watts/m2, and that is precisely what NREL is measuring. Other research taking place at NREL includes photo voltaic research on the atomic level, growing polycrystalline for solar energy use, wind technology, pressed biomass as building material, and more. All of the areas pursued keep the three E's in mind . . . Environment, Economy and Energy Security.
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