The bus was beckoned to raise a green flag for sustainability at the downtown Street Fair in Fargo, ND. Set up outside Island Park Cycles within the ‘green acre’, we were met with an enthusiastic crowd hungry for a sustainable future. As usual, the beneficial facets of biodiesel were a big hit. Several farmers expressed a need and desire for small-scale biodiesel production. Lowell from Idaho has been using vegetable oilseeds for biodiesel since the early 80’s. We received praise and encouragement from our visitors who were inspired by our message and jealous of our summer travels on the bus. We passed out business cards with an invitation to check out WORC and follow the adventures of the bus this summer.
We started off the second day of the street fair with a tour of the biofuel research facility at the NDSU Agricultural Extension Office. This tour provided a background on the basics of the local and current research being done on biodiesel and ethanol. It was great being able to refer people from the bus to Lynn Wolf and Betty Steiglitz of South Agassiz Resource Council ‘SARC’. They fielded questions and gathered names to support more local foods in schools and nursing homes in the area. The local bike coop set to work tuning bikes and spreading the good word of sustainable transportation. The city bus rolled up next to us running on a twenty percent blend of biodiesel and a living roof company provided a bit of vegetation for the green-themed assortment of folks outside the bike shop. We bid farewell to Fargo after two of our busiest days this summer. The crew extends gratitude to the Kanwischer family, Chris and Amy, and Lynn/Betty for their hospitality and support in Fargo-Moorhead.
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