Saturday, August 2, 2008

Olathe Sweet Corn Festival

We pulled into Olathe to park the bus the night before the Sweet Corn Festival. While searching for the festival grounds, the sudden appearance of all the tents, vendors, rides, and look of a huge event shocked us all. We pulled into the grounds, parked the bus, and met a local member, Kevin Williams. We were going to stay with him and his wife.

The following morning we went back to the bus and began to set up for the event which started at 8:30am. Soon after we arrived local members showed up to volunteer at the table, including a member who owns a solar energy place called High Noon Solar - We set the bus up near the free corn booths and people began stopping by the bus early and continued all day.

We spoke with many people, including some who worked in the natural gas industry. Most of these people in the resource extraction industry agreed with the message of the bus and some signed our Call to Action. One gentleman did not agree that humans cause climate change; after some discussion he walked away with more insight into the fact that the climate scientists agree that humans cause climate change with the emission of green house gases.

At the end of the day, and many ears of corn later, the bus shut down at around 8:00pm. We spoke with hundreds of people at the largest event the bus tabled to date (the local paper reported 18,000 at the event from all over the world). About an hour after shutting down shop, Travis Tritt came onto the stage and played some original songs and covered some other artist's music - including Stevie Ray Vaughn and Johnny Cash. This event rocked and it's not wonder people traveled from Georgia and Japan to partake in the eating of some of the best corn in the world!

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