The bus caught a few gawking students over the lunch hour as it wafted the sweet smell of fried food in the air at Weiser High School. It was the first week of classes and the crew rolled the bus into the garage to set up and speak to two agricultural classes about the homegrown prosperity tour and the benefits of biodiesel in rural communities.
In a class where most of the students lived on a farm or ranch, students could appreciate the value of our mission on the tour. Homegrown prosperity can be achieved by using renewable energies like solar or wind power. Students pointed out despite growing some agricultural products and raising various livestock, the school lunch program served pre-packaged foods which were simply heated in a commercial oven at lunch.
Biodiesel was the topic of which drew the most interaction. The Department of Agriculture has developed a geographic line which influences the ability to grow canola as an oilseed crop in this part of Oregon. Politics as usual is playing a hand in what can be sustainably grown around the community of Weiser, ID. The bus piqued student interest to the potential of growing oilseeds and producing their own biodiesel.
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