The bio-bus set up for tabling at the local tap room and brewery for Red Lodge Ale. Sam Hoffman, the brewmaster, not only brews his own beer, he fuels part of his operation with home-brewed biodiesel made from local-devived waste vegetable oil.
We all enjoyed the tour and tasty product he supplied to quench our thirst for information about sustainable brews. Those approaching the table after the race were thirsty for a beer and information about biodiesel and the glass recycling display on our table. Visitors converged at the bus and tap room drawn from a wide geographic area, here for the bike event and other tourist magnets in the area.
Regis CafĂ© stepped up to promote the bus by donating fresh baked goods for distributing at our tables. Richard, a local resident, thanked us for all that we were doing on our tour. He was proud of his fuel-efficient Nissan that recently replaced his Suburban that had “a drinking problem”. Keep up the good work bio-bus crew.
Michael, a local resident we met at the Regis Cafe, brought us up to Beartooth Pass for some mountain snow and magnificent vistas.